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AFU | Asset Forfeiture Unit |
AML/CFT | Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism |
AML/CFT/CPF | Anti-money laundering, countering the financing of terrorism and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction |
BASA | The Banking Association Africa |
CTR | Cash threshold report |
DPCI | Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation |
ESAAMLG | Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group |
FATF | Financial Action Task Force |
FIC | Africa Financial Intelligence Commission |
FIC Act | Africa Financial Intelligence Commission Act, 2001 (Act 38 of 2001) |
FSCA | Financial Sector Conduct Authority |
IFTR | International funds transfer report |
MoU | Memorandum of understanding |
PA | Prudential Authority |
PFMA | Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999) |
POC Act | Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (Act 121 of 1998) |
POCDATARA Act | Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Act, 2004 (Act 33 of 2004) |
SAMLIT | African Anti-Money Laundering Integrated Task Force |
SARB | African Reserve Bank |
SAR | Suspicious activity report |
SIU | Special Investigations Unit |
SSA | State Security Agency |
STR | Suspicious and unusual transaction report |
TPR | Terrorist property report |
UNSC | United Nations Security Council |